Monday, August 11, 2008

Whew! We are through week 0!

Cody called yesterday (Sunday)! What a relief to hear that he is ok. He called his dad, and had very little time (3 min) to talk. We were all somewhat confused about his address, so Cody might have mail floating all over Lackland AFB. I am so thankful to know that he sounded ok. Scott said he sounded a little tired, but sounded good! I still miss him.

I hope you get all our letters. I think we were all rushing to the mailbox to see who could get thiers out the fastest. Well I had the wrong address, so I guess I lose. I still miss you so much. Amy and I continue to count down the days. I am so looking forward to this being over. It's so hard not being able to pick up the phone to see how you are doing. That is the toughest part. I had a sense of relief when I atleast got an address. It felt as though my son was just out there somewhere. From what I read, this is going to be a challenging week for you. But I hope with your athletic ability, it won't be so tuff. Kim (your recuiter) said that you will have no problem with the physical part of this. Matter of fact she believes that you will come out of basic with high honors. See, it's just not your family who sees the high achiever in you! Your awesome Cody. You make me so proud and honored to be your mother. I love you!

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